What is Nonlocality?

The easiest way to explain the nonlocality principle is with its story of discovery.

Many years ago, scientists were able to divide an element into subatomic particles. They separated them from one another at a great distance. The researchers began to act on only one of the particles. The changes that followed affected also another one. The scientists were surprised. All that happened simultaneously in all particles. The distance between them did not matter. It was not a question of some super-high-speed, but the changes appeared everywhere instantly, immediately!

In other words, if we split a particle into two or more parts and place them in distant galaxies, millions of light-years apart, changes in any particle will have an instant effect on every other one, too.

How is that possible?

Obviously, on another level, everything has some indivisible connection.


All atoms, molecules, every form of consciousness, regardless of their location in the universe, are connected, and every change affects the entire universe instantly!

This experiment marked the beginning of a series of studies and research in the field. Thus was formed the principle of Nonlocality, which underlies many of the modern discoveries. The work of scientists in the field of theoretical and quantum physics leads to many other dimensions that interact in different layers of creation.

The principle of nonlocality has a number of implications in science for our modern understanding. As we know from the theory of relativity, time and space are interconnected and cannot exist separately. That is why one of the most significant applications of the principle of nonlocality is its application to the space-time continuum.

How is nonlocality applied?

What does this mean in relation to time?

If the time is not local, then what are the conclusions about the so-called past, present and future that we are used to and where do they actually happen? Is it appropriate to ask the question “When?”?

Every event in the linear past, present or future time happens simultaneously and continues to happen in the so-called infinite omnimoment NOW.

However, for the needs of the organization of the modern world, the measuring system of our watches is an integral part.

According to modern research, there is no other time than the eternal NOW.

Moreover, no one can prove that something happened in the past or will happen in the future. The notion of the linearity of time is illusory, created by the nature of our perceptual senses and our perceptibility of the four-dimensional universe. In fact, according to the latest scientific data, the existence of 11 dimensions is assumed. Metaphysical texts and mystics mention this information in many sources. It is only a matter of time before they are confirmed and described by conscious scientists and teachers.

One well-established theory of the origin of the universe is even based on these principles – the Big Bang. The initial state of the universe is precisely that point of Nonlocality or singularity, with a size of 10 divided 16 times by itself from the full-stop at the end of this sentence. It is believed that the development of our familiar universe is a holographic projection.

This is how the idea of ​​linear and nonlinear time, also called horizontal or spherical, came into play.

After all, it is impossible to imagine it with our four-dimensional view of our intellect. The exercise is as difficult as a circle realizing itself as a sphere, or even more difficult!

How can we apply the nonlocality to time?

By focusing on certain events in time, we can create an alternative reality that can become dominant for us or someone else, if he/she wishes.

Every thought is a wave, creating an alternative possibility or timeline. We are in an “ocean” of thought forms and patterns that we intercept as a radio station. All these “stations” are there NOW and we can always “play” them.


The dominant timeline is our current timeline in terms of linear time. It is our sense of the present with all our impressions of the past and ideas for the future of this life. Every thought we create or capture is a parallel timeline. When a thought gains enough power, it becomes part of the dominant timeline. This is the process of creation that each of us performs. We create with our thoughts. Every thought creates a reality that we can enter or not. And yes, somewhere you strangled your mother-in-law!


When we focus our attention, for example, on a traumatic event from the linear past, we begin to experience it again. Through TLH we can create an alternative timeline of this moment, which can become part of the dominant timeline.

In this way, the old timeline continues to exist, but the new one exists too, becoming the main one for the event in question. In this way, we do not violate the free will of anyone, because they could stay in the old timeline or accept the new one.

Accordingly, we can use the same technique to create something that will be manifested in the future.

This is the essence of TLH.