Linear – nonlinear time – what is the difference?

The linear time is the measurement of the relative motion between two or more objects. Our modern clocks and calendar are based on the results of three measurements:

  • the rotation of the Earth around its axis
  • the rotation of the Earth around the sun
  • the position of the moon

Linear or physical time is variable and flows differently in different places and at different speeds. This is clearly demonstrated by Einstein in his Special Theory of Relativity.

At normal speeds and distances, time seems quite constant, but when you travel near the speed of light, time takes on a completely different meaning. According to Einstein’s calculations, when a speed is close to that of light, time seems to slow down. This is also observed in the center of bodies with a huge mass such as black holes (Singularity point).

It is advisable for everyone to do research and get acquainted with these principles describing our known universe. There is a wealth of literature presented in an unscientific style that is easy to understand, such as the books of Sal Rachele, Stephen Hawking, and Neil deGrasse Tyson. Or you can try Resonance Academy delegate program by Nassim Haramein.

Time and space are interconnected. Modern physics unites them in a common mathematical model called the Time-Space Continuum.

It has two components:

  • A dynamic state, in which aspects of the universe are in constant motion (Entropy).

Or all known works in the field of gravity and space-time, as well as all the laws of motion and thermodynamics. The energy in this state is potential and kinetic.

  • A static state (Bose-Einstein condensation) (Syntropy)

Or the state of absolute zero, which is still unattainable for modern science due to the fact that the observed object is heated by the consciousness of the observers themselves. This is closely related to the uncertainty principle, according to which we cannot establish the true velocity of an object, as our observation influences this and changes the course of events.

From this, we should conclude that consciousness can be measured, but for now humanity is not capable of doing this.

In general, all these data and scientific discoveries trying to describe time, in fact create even more confusion …

Our perception of the four-dimensional universe gives us a sense of time, but even our research suggests that Creation is not limited to this. Modern theories in quantum physics describe 11 dimensions, and even one more.

After the discovery of the principle of Nonlocality, it has become clear that everything is connected in a way that is beyond the hitherto known drawings and formulations. The whole universe is connected in one. Every single action affects the whole system – instantly! No matter the distance! And since this principle avoids the influence of time and space, it is normal to change our views on the nature of our known perception of time.

Any conclusion?

Time is not divided into past, present and future. It happens at the same time. That is why we call it nonlinear time. Same thing – different perceptions, different names.

The past continues to happen now. The future is happening now. Every moment of the past and the future flows in this moment of infinity NOW. There are countless possibilities in countless moments and they all happen at the same time.


When you think about the past or the future, when does it happen?

Research has shown that the brain does not distinguish between a thought and an event. The body reacts immediately to the situation we imagine.

Where, when does all this happen?


This is how the term for nonlinear time, also called vertical or spherical, appears.

Every moment is an option that we can choose or not. Every thought is a potential reality that is already happening. And the more we pay attention to an idea, the more likely it is that the mind will enter this reality in order to explore and experience it.

Yes! It sounds scary, but the truth is that everything we have ever thought of is happening somewhere right now! The good news is that the energy invested in these thoughts is too weak to become dominant and be manifested in a four-dimensional reality.

It is interesting to add that despite all the knowledge we have so far about four-dimensional space-time, it is not possible to prove that there is any time other than NOW!


There is scientific evidence in support, and the basis for proving lies in the principle of nonlocality in quantum physics.

There is a direct connection between two key principles in physics applicable to time – nonlocality and uncertainty. It is important to understand this concept in order to perceive easily the truth about vertical time and how reality is formed and materialized.

Several facts about nonlinear time:

  • Vertical time is always NOW.
  • All time and space is contained in this eternal omnimoment NOW.
  • The past, present and future are contained in the eternal NOW.
  • The eternal moment NOW is the only time that exists. This is proven.
  • All possible and probable realities are contained in vertical time.
  • All parallel and higher dimensions and universes are contained in nonlinear time.
  • It is impossible to be anywhere else but in the eternal NOW.
  • It is possible to enter timelessness, the realm beyond time and space, through deep meditation.

How can we use nonlinear time for our own good and that of everyone else?

Through TLH, the client and the therapist can go anywhere in time and space and work on certain events there. They can change the perceptions and experiences of the client, thus creating a new timeline that becomes part of his/her dominant one.

All the participants in an event can perceive this alternative or parallel reality without violating their free will. From a higher perspective, they decide whether to “enter” this new timeline.