timeline healer

Georgi Doychev

  • Timeline Healing Technique Healer
  • Timeline Healing Technique Teacher
  • Member of Timeline Healing Technique Association

Contact: georgi.doychev@timelinehaling.space


I am named Georgi, with the surname Doychev. From Varna – Bulgaria.

In the following lines I will describe a part of myself…

I have dedicated my life in finding answers to difficult questions such as:

Who am I?

How did the universe originate?

What happened before its appearance?

What is Consciousness?

Where do thoughts come from? Where do the emotions come from? How to deal with them?

Is there a supreme Creator?

What is the soul? … and similar.

My journey started a long time ago, maybe a long time ago as far back as I can remember…

My research for an universal formula, which unites the metaphysical and physical, turned my attention to philosophy and modern science. Initially, I received medical education, however it did not answer 90% of my questions.

I expanded my interests in other fields of science. This didn’t make me a specialist in the fied of physics, but I managed to get in touch with it. Like so, I perceived some of the basic priciples in modern science, which looks deep into the origin and mechanics of the universe and consciousness.

Over the years, I attended numerous courses, seminars and trainings on personal development and improvement.
The combination of all these with scientific papers, wisdom and ancient holy texts from all part of the universe, brought me here.

After decade of practice and dedication passed, little by little I progressed on my way. There ware s lot of difficult and beautiful moments thanks to I have mastered many techniques for dealing with mind-body complex issues.

I have always been having a need to share the knowledge, that could be useful for improving the lives of everyone and everything.

Timeline healing (TLH) is an innovative technique that combines all methods in one, treating the mind-body complex and beyond. Once when I was convinced of its results and benefits, I decided it was time to share it with all people looking for radical solutions to their lessons in life. In the sessions, I combine ancient yogic techniques with modern therapeutic methods.

Now I have also the chance to teach others to this precious knowlege.

I believe that each of us has unimaginably great potential and that each answer is within ourselves. If you’re still reading, you probably agree to some extent.

Let us together open our consciousness and make the step.
This is an invitation to join this journey to the Self.
Let’s go deep in Consciousness and the multidimensionality of life.

The course for Teachers of Timeline Healing
My first course with Sal Rachele